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Tips for Eating Healthy on 4th of July Weekend

Tips for Eating Healthy on 4th of July Weekend

For me, one of the hardest things to do is to eat healthy when I’m on vacation – especially during the holidays! I find that when I slip backwards a little with my diet, it can take days or even weeks for me to get back on the right track.

This 4th of July, I’ll be doing what most other people will be doing – hanging out with family and friends around a barbecue. So how do we stay healthy with all these snacks and fatty foods around?? 


Eat before you head out.  

I always like to make sure I don’t get hungry/desperate and this is the number one way I like to take care of myself. I love to have a nice, healthy meal before I head out anywhere that I might get hungry. I also take a small snack with me to avoid getting into a space where I might end up giving into my unhealthy cravings. 

Come prepared with your own healthy food.    

Since we’re bringing food to the barbecue already, I’m taking things with me that I know will make me healthy but also suit the occasion. Just look at that grill filled with veggies!! I’m already excited just thinking about the smell of those bell peppers – looks amazing and delicious! 

Always eat lighter foods first.  

Sometimes we think we are hungrier than we really are. By eating our veggies first, we can see how much our body really needs to eat. So eat your veggies, wait about 20 minutes, and then see if you really needed those three hot dogs after. Chances are, you’ll find you didn’t  

Leave out the bun. 

If you are going to eat grilled veggie dogs or meats, try leaving the bun to the side and just putting the condiments on top. 

That’s it for now! Wherever you are and whatever you are doing, I hope you are having a wonderful and fulfilling holiday weekend! Enjoy!! 


Elise May, CN + LE, is the owner and practitioner behind SKINutritious. She has helped over 1,000 clients clear acne with detoxing treatments, clear skin coaching, and holistic skincare. 

Work with Elise. Book online here.

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