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My ”No Coffee” Dairy-Free Iced Latte

My ”No Coffee” Dairy-Free Iced Latte

I have a confession to make: I am addicted to coffee. It’s one of my last vices that can truly end up being an addiction. I tried to work with it, thinking I could just have one every now and again, but sure enough I ended up slipping back into the habit of daily coffee.

You might be thinking, one coffee a day? What’s the big deal? The big deal is I felt my skin becoming more dehydrated and I would get a rash on my chest. Eeek. My body definitely did NOT appreciate my one a day habit – and if we think of it, is doing something once a day really moderation? One beer a day, one wine a day, one ice cream a day – certainly I would not recommend this. One coffee a week… ok. Everyone needs a treat. But one a day and I could tell it wasn’t a friend to my health. I could also tell I was drinking it out of addiction.

Maybe you want to cut back on coffee or just cut it out in general? Well, I found a great solution for me and hopefully for you too! It’s called: Dandy’s Blend. It is a non-caffeinated beverage made from roasted dandelion, chicory root, rye, and barley. It has the flavor of coffee without any of coffee’s acidity. I liked to mix it up with almond milk for a delicious afternoon treat. The best part is, you don’t even have to cut back on your visits to the coffee shop. Just order a glass of non-dairy milk, mix in some Dandy’s Blend, and you’ve got a delicious, non-addictive beverage. Enjoy!


Elise May, CN + LE, is the owner and practitioner behind SKINutritious. She has helped over 1,000 clients clear acne with detoxing treatments, clear skin coaching, and holistic skincare. 

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