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Cacao Beauty Smoothie Recipe

Cacao Beauty Smoothie Recipe

Hello my beautiful readers! Today I’m going to share with you one of my most treasured secret recipes. This one is a real treat for me, but it’s also incredibly loaded with superfoods, antioxidants, and crucial skin beauty vitamins. I’ve made this many a time when I’ve had a sugar or coffee craving pop up and it’s always done the trick. Here she is, enjoy!

Cacao Beauty Smoothie
Serves 1

1/4c raw almonds
1c organic unsweetened vanilla (or regular) almond milk
3 medjool dates, pitted
1T cacao powder
1/2 banana
1T raw almond butter
sprinkle of cinnamon
3-4 ice cubes (or more to increase thickness as desired)

Blend well and enjoy! Also check out my Signature Green Smoothie for Glowing Skin too as a great smoothie to have everyday to support your most beautiful skin!


Elise May, CN + LE, is the owner and practitioner behind SKINutritious. She has helped over 1,000 clients clear acne with detoxing treatments, clear skin coaching, and holistic skincare. 

Work with Elise. Book online here.

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